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Frequently Asked Question

Whether it's for a billing question, a sales inquiry

To view pricing and to check stock availability for a product, simply click on the product to go to the product page, select the configurations, and it’ll tell you the price as well as if it is in-stock or not.

Yes! We do have a showroom here in Cerritos, California. If you want to check out the showroom, give us a call and we can schedule a time and day for you to come and check it out.

No, registration is not required to place orders on our site. We believe in providing a seamless and convenient shopping experience for our customers, which is why we have made it possible for anyone to make a purchase without the need for registration. By eliminating the mandatory registration process, we aim to save you time and ensure a hassle-free checkout process. Simply browse our products, add items to your cart, and proceed to the checkout page to complete your order. If you register on our site, you’ll be able to keep track of your order history. If you register to be a part of our partner program, then you’ll be able to receive a different pricing tier based on our assessment. The choice is yours, and we are here to accommodate your preferences.

If you would like to make any changes or modifications to your existing order, you’ll need to email Sales at [email protected] or all (562)-921-0056. However, we cannot guarantee that we’ll be able to fulfill any of the requests.

You can pick up your order at the warehouse. You’ll need to select “Will-Call” and you’ll have 3-days to come and pick up your order. If you’re unable to pick it up yourself, but you know someone that will pick it up for you, then please notify us.

You can pay for your online order using a variety of major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and many others. We accept a wide range of payment options to ensure convenience and flexibility for our customers. When placing your order, simply select the payment method that suits you best and proceed to enter your credit card details securely on our encrypted payment gateway. Rest assured that we prioritize the security and protection of your financial information. By accepting major credit cards, we strive to make the checkout process as seamless as possible, allowing you to complete your online purchase with ease and peace of mind. Business partners can pay the order by the payment method set up to your account.